Friday, July 9, 2010

Ohhh..... The Milky Goodness!

Sorry I have not been blogging much lately. I have been buying and listing clothes on eBay and there has not been much energy or brain clarity left. I am having a flare up of  fibromyalgia (fatigue and brain fog). This being said I am a trooper and wanted to give you guys a lil somethin' somethin'!

I found this sad lovely lamp with so much character and milky goodness at the Habitat Restore and had to have it.
Plugged her in and...behold there was light!!!
look at that sad silver finish attempting to get off the base!

Blurry, but yes, it is a $5.00 sticker.
I took it much as I could without cutting the cord and rubbed some stain sealer refinish stuff on the wood and painted the silver parts with none other than ORB. Look at her now all dolled up with a new $1.00 yard sale shade.

Couldn't get it together enough to remember to take pictures as I worked on it. Sorry.